Ka Whānau Mai Te Reo: Honouring Whānau Upholding Reo Māori

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Written by  Nicola Bright, Alex Barnes and Jessica Hutchings

This study is part of an on-going project of revitalisating  reo Māori (Māori language) within the schooling system, the home, and Aotearoa New Zealand society.

“This is the first report from a 3-year (2012–2015) Kaupapa Māori research project that investigates how best to support the continuity of reo Māori development of whānau as they transition between kōhanga reo, kura kaupapa primary, wharekura, secondary and beyond. It aims to provide useful information about the reo Māori education options that are most likely to help whānau achieve their reo Māori aspirations.”

Central to the project is a desire to step away from a mono-cultural approach to education (i.e., privileging a colonial form of education) in order to help normalise reo Māori and Māori ways of being within our society.

“….we are interested in what potential the system has to better recognise and support the reo Māori aspirations of adults, so that they can better support the reo development of their tamariki.” (p. 10)

You can download a copy of the report on the Whānau Ora Research website here.

Also available on the New Zealand Council for Education research website.

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