
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Jess Berentson-Shaw (Dr)

Dr Jess Berentson-Shaw is a co-director of The Workshop, a research and communications not-for-profit organisation specialising in narratives strategies which help individuals and organisations to better communicate complex social and…continue reading

Marianne Elliott

Marianne Elliot is a co-director of The Workshop, a research and communications not-for-profit organisation specialising in narratives strategies which help individuals and organisations to better communicate complex social and environmental…continue reading

Sharon Bell

Dr Sharon Bell is the research manager of The Workshop, a research and communications not-for-profit organisation specialising in narratives strategies which help individuals and organisations to better communicate complex social…continue reading

Jordan Green

Ko Jordan tōku ingoa. He uri ahau nō Ngāti Porou me Te Whānau ā Apanui. I am a narrative, research and communications consultant with a background in social and narrative…continue reading

Gary Watts

Have completed extensive research within the community (for a number of years) which includes social issues which indicate distinctly unusual (regularly major and often ongoing) forms of societal produced disadvantage.

Evangelia Papoutsaki

Evangelia Papoutsaki, PhD Cardiff, is an engaged global citizen with a passion for social justice; a social change communication scholar, editor, published author, facilitator and educator; and a dedicated mentor…continue reading

Helen Potter (Dr)

I’ve been a kaupapa Māori researcher for 20 years predominantly in the fields of Māori education, adult learning, whānau wellbeing, and more recently, in Māori health, housing and environmental wellbeing.…continue reading

Garth Nowland-Foreman

Garth is a founding partner of the capacity-building social enterprise, LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance & Leadership. He also taught part-time for 18 years in Graduate Programmes in…continue reading

Nick Jones

Consumers, needs, communications, non-profit support. BA Hons – University of North Staffordshire (UK).

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