
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Outcomes Plus

In this webinar, Trevor McGlinchey and Garth Nowland-Foreman share the 2015 ‘Outcomes Plus’ research.  This 60-minute webinar will help you to better identify and describe the ‘real value’ your organisation contributes, and how to use…

Complex Projects, Short Stories

This recording helps to construct effective narratives and tell stories of success and outcomes, in order to secure or retain funding? Having a well-told story is like having a goose that lays golden…

Counting What Matters

This webinar was held on 28 June 2016 and was presented by Ian McLeod (Statistics New Zealand) and Garth Nowland-Foreman (LEaD Centre for Not for Profit Leadership). This 30-minute webinar…

Ngā Hua a Tāne Rore

In this recording, Dr Leonie Pihama, Dr Jillian Tipene and Herearoha Skipper of the Te Kotahi Research Institute present the 2014 research Ngā Hua a Tāne Rore The Benefits of Kapa…

How to amaze your funders with watertight evidence

Rachael Trotman and Kate McKegg present tools, tips and case studies to help time-poor, cash-strapped organisations who are under pressure to present evidence of their results. Learning outcomes of the…

Resilient Leadership Amidst Complexity

How do we support everyone’s potential to be an active citizen?  What supports the emergence of leadership in New Zealand communities? Margy-Jean Malcolm presents this webinar on resilient leadership, exploring…

State of the Sector

Presented by Garth Nowland-Foreman (Director of Community Solutions) Kim Penetito (Unitec) Annelise Myers (Point Research) What kind of shape is the community sector in? And what difference does it make?…

Movers and Shakers

Throughout 2011, as Christchurch responded to the earthquakes, the ruins, the crumbled cliffs, and the aftershocks, community action was crucial.  But who was active?  Who were the workers, the initiators,…

Putting learning into practice

Community Research’s second webinar showcased how a virtuous circle is created when evaluation is built into programme delivery. The focus was on insights gained from the Māori and Pacific Education…

Collective Impact

A one-hour, interactive session for anyone using or interested in shared measurement within a Collective Impact initiative. The Collective Impact approach to designing and managing multi-sector collaborative initiatives has at…

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