
Heather Came

Dr Heather Cameis a seventh generation Pākehā New Zealander and an activist scholar at large. Her background is in public health and social justice activism. Her research focuses on critical policy analysis, Te Tiriti, anti-racism and institutional racism. Came is a founding member of STIR: Stop Institutional Racism has prepared expert evidence for Waitangi Tribunal, and to United Nations human rights committees. She founded Te Tiriti based futures (Decol) series of virtual anti-racism gatherings. She was a joint winner of 2021 Kāhui Hauora Tūmatanui Public Health Champion Award and is a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for her services to Māori, education and health. She is an Adjunct Professor at Te Herenga Waka.

Ethnic Group
New Zealand European/ Pākeha
PhD or Doctorate
Te Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington)

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