
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

The challenges of Health promotion within African Communities in New Zealand

African Communities in New Zealand: An Investigation of their Employment Experiences and the Impact of their Well-being using African Oral Tradition of Storytelling as Research Methodology

ADDRESSING SEXUAL VIOLENCE FOR ETHNIC COMMUNITIES: Principles and practices for a new service (Discussion document 4 of 4)

ADDRESSING SEXUAL VIOLENCE FOR ETHNIC COMMUNITIES: Responding when harm has occurred (Discussion document 3 of 4)

ADDRESSING SEXUAL VIOLENCE FOR ETHNIC COMMUNITIES: Prevention – Responses from specific communities (Discussion document 2 of 4)

ADDRESSING SEXUAL VIOLENCE FOR ETHNIC COMMUNITIES: Prevention – General (Discussion document 1 of 4)

Honor based violence and coercive control among Asian youth in Auckland New Zealand

Revisioning State-Society Relationships in a Pandemic: New Zealand’s Response to Covid-19

In this paper, we examine the factors that contributed to New Zealand’s initial success, highlighting the distinctive state-society mandates that were forged through the response. We also reflect, briefly, on…continue reading

The storytellers : Identity narratives by NZ African youth: a participatory visual methodological approach to situating identity, migration and representation

The voices of people in hard-to-reach communities: responsive tailoring of Building Financial Capability services to ensure cultural and social inclusion

Exploring New Zealand National Identity and Its Importance for Attitudes toward Muslims and Support for Diversity

Exploring cultural identity construction among African migrant and refugee background youth in Aotearoa New Zealand

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