
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

A Perspective on S4.5 Residence Category for Victims of Domestic Violence (VDV) Policy: Addressing Domestic Violence against ‘Ethnic’ Women

This presentation examines the immigration-specific factors which makes the domestic experiences of these women unique. In doing so, it highlights where there are gaps in knowledge of and responses for…continue reading

The experiences of refugee Muslim women in the Aotearoa New Zealand healthcare system

This study explores the experiences of refugee Muslim women as they accessed and navigated the healthcare system in AotearoaNew Zealand (NZ). A case-oriented approach was used, where semi-structured interviews were…continue reading

Report to DIA on Xtreme Zero Waste Proposal Development

This is a summary report of a community based project, seeking to work together on a proposal for a community-led evaluation development process

Te Kaikiri me te Whakatoihara i Aotearoa i te Urutā COVID-19: He Aro Ki Ngā Hapori Haina, Āhia Hoki. Racism and Xenophobia Experiences in Aotearoa New Zealand during COVID-19: A Focus on Chinese and Asian Communities

The key research objectives were to understand the following: • The prevalence, nature, and pattern of racism and xenophobia experienced by people in the COVID-19 context, particularly among Tangata Whenua,…continue reading

Community-Led Youth Wellbeing Needs Analysis for the Cheviot Area School Catchment and the Wider Hurunui District

Research was undertaken in the latter part of 2020 focused on the strengths and opportunities of young people in the Hurunui district, and how these can be assisted to grow.…continue reading

Pukepuke Fonua: An exploratory study on the faikava as an identity marker for New Zealand-born Tongan males in Auckland, New Zealand

This thesis is an exploratory study of the experiences and perceptions of a group of New Zealand-born Tongan males living in Auckland on what participation in the Tongan cultural practice…continue reading

De-mythologizing and re-branding of kava as the new ‘world drug’ of choice

What seemed impossible 50 years ago is today becoming a reality as ‘soft drugs’ such as cannabis are being decriminalized and accepted for their calming effects as well as their…continue reading

De-mythologizing and re-branding the traditional drink kava

What do you call journalism, or more importantly research, that is supported by repetitive misinformation, resulting in an accepted but incorrect, narrative? This is the case with the kava plant,…continue reading

Improving road safety and health: Understanding kava’s impact on driver fitness

Kava (Piper methysticum) is a traditional and culturally significant Pacific Island beverage that produces a soporific relaxant effect. Kava’s psychopharmacological action is similar to the anti-anxiety drug Benzodiazepine. Traditional users…continue reading

Te Ako – Manaaki: A Model For Supporting At Risk Youth To Engage In Education – A West Auckland Experience

Since 2016 West Auckland has been using a collaborative model of supporting their most vulnerable young people into education. This paper looks at the five years from 2015 to 2020,…continue reading

Negotiating service within areas of responsibilities: Experiences of New Zealand born Pacific tertiary students

Service within Pacific cultures is a practical way to utilise personal skills and resources to contribute to the needs of others. There is an expectation that Pacific youth play an…continue reading

Ten Key Issues and Recommendations to the OHCHR for Addressing Police Brutality and Racism

This research has identified ten issues and recommendations to contribute to the OHCHR’s timely report on systemic racism and police brutality.

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