
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Negotiating Multiple Identities: Intersecting Identities among Māori, Pacific, Rainbow and Disabled Young People

In this report we explore the wellbeing of Aotearoa New Zealand secondary school students with the following identities using data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey:• Rainbow rangatahi Māori• Pacific…continue reading

How to Talk About Covid-19 Vaccinations: Building Trust in Vaccination, A Guide, 2021

This guide is intended to provide knowledge and insights to those creating communications and working alongside whānau, aiga, magafoua, famili, vuvalue, utu, kopu tangata and members of the community who…continue reading

Digital Divides report: Out of the Maze, 2018

A research paper for InternetNZ and the Vodafone New Zealand Foundation. The purpose of this research was to uncover the biggest obstacles to digital inclusion, and what will be most…continue reading

Talking about Poverty and Welfare Reform in Aotearoa: A Short Guide, 2019

This short guide summarises the finding of the research set out in ‘Talking about Poverty and Welfare Reform’. It provides a short overview of the tested messages that were most…continue reading

Mapping the Landscape: How to Talk About Systems Change in Aotearoa, New Zealand, 2021

This report is for knowledge holders, communicators, advocates, non-government service providers and designers working on the changes that will make the biggest difference for whānau, communities, and the planet. Central…continue reading

East Asian, South Asian, Chinese and Indian Students in Aotearoa

This report presents contemporary information on the health and wellbeing of secondary school students in New Zealand who have an Asian identity. The report is based on findings from the…continue reading

Young people who have been involved with Oranga Tamariki – Home and Housing

This report provides data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about secondary school students who report they have been involved with Oranga Tamariki or Child Youth and Family Services…continue reading

Young people who have been involved with Oranga Tamariki: Identity and Culture

This report provides data from the Youth19 Rangatahi Smart Survey (Youth19) about secondary school students who reported being involved with Oranga Tamariki or Child Youth and Family Services. Youth19 is…continue reading

An Exploration of Kiwi Tahi and Engagement

This study of the Kiwi Tahi programme, a life-skill development programme for vulnerable young people (aged between 8-12 years old), was a collaboration between a lecturer in Social Practice at…continue reading

Bringing Life to Leadership: The emergence of principal leadership practice for educational success in low socio-economic schools

The persistent educational achievement gap and historically haphazard nature of progress for students in impoverished contexts in New Zealand primary schools is a deep-seated problem needing urgent attention. This multifaceted…continue reading

Being manuhiri

Several favourite walking, tramping, cycling, kayaking, and boating spots in Aotearoa NZ are now co-managed by Māori organisations and government agencies. These co-governance and co-management arrangements have been put in…continue reading

Enabling narratives for Aotearoa New Zealand

Storytelling, as spoken or written narratives, is an effective way to convey complex or abstract ideas. We have developed narratives about different ways of achieving EBM. They are based on…continue reading

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