
Lots of Little Fires

By: Joe Wilson and Murdoch Daly
Published: 2023-02-14

Video Story-Telling for The Waikato Wellbeing Project The concept of ‘lots of little fires’ captures the idea that there are many small ‘fires’ of passionate people ‘burning bright’ across the…continue reading


System Transformation in the disability sector in New Zealand – Repeat Study MidCentral: 2018-2021

By: Wilson, C.S. and Benjamin, M. (2022)
Published: 2022-06-03

In October 2018 the Ministry of Health launched system transformation in MidCentral region (Palmerston North, Levin, Otaki, Foxton, Feilding and the local environments). This new system was to be based…continue reading


Baseline Study of the Disability Support System in the MidCentral Area: Disabled Peoples Report

By: Wilson, C.S. and Benjamin, M. (2019)
Published: 2019-04-01

In October 2018 the Government launched system transformation in MidCentral Region. This was a process that changed the way disabled people and their whānau received funding from the Government and…continue reading


Baseline Study of the Disability Support System in the MidCentral Area: Whānau Report

By: Wilson, C.S. and Benjamin, M. (2019)
Published: 2019-04-01

In Oct 2018 a new system of providing funding support for disabled people was launched in MidCentral Region. It was called ‘system transformation’. This involved the creation of new funding…continue reading


Struggling to be Involved: A grounded theory of Māori whānau engagement with healthcare

By: Dr Dianne Wepa, Dr Denis Wilson
Published: 2019-12-15

Discrimination faced by Māori whānau while they were seeking to improve their health is a constant struggle. Despite the many negative experiences, collective ownership or we-dentity contributed to their resolution…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Health & Wellbeing Kaupapa Māori approaches Māori

Tangihanga Paper – COVID-19 (Part 1)

By: Che Wilson
Published: 2020-03-27

E ngā tini kārangarangatanga maha puta noa i te motu, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātau katoa. Tēnā tātau me te ngārara nui, a te mate korouna, kua pae mai ki tēnei…continue reading

Governance & Kaitiakitanga Māori Whānau Ora
Ethnicity and Diversity

Chinese Migrants’ Mental Health and Adjustment to Life in New Zealand

By: Max W. Abbott, Sai Wong, Maynard Williams, Ming Au, Wilson Young
Published: 2000-10-21

Objective : The purpose of this study was to identify and assess the relative importance of predictors of the self-rated adjustment and psychiatric morbidity of recent Chinese migrants. Method: Chinese…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Mental Health Migrants and Former Refugees

He Keteparaha Tēnei Mō Te Whare Kaumātua: A Toolkit for Kaumātua Housing

By: Yvonne Wilson
Published: 2019-05-31

The He Kāinga Pai Rawa project (2017-2019) aimed to find out what made Moa Crescent Kaumātua Village a healthy housing community for Kaumātua. The vision for our study was to…continue reading

Ageing & Retirement Māori Social Services
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