Ethnicity and Diversity

Wellness for all: the possibilities of cultural safety and cultural competence in New Zealand

By: Ruth DeSouza
Published: 2008-04-01

Responses to cultural diversity in nursing need to consider the theory and practice developments of the profession, whilst also responding to broader social and historical process that prevent marginalised groups…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Language and Culture Māori
Ethnicity and Diversity

Sailing in a new direction: Multicultural mental health in New Zealand

By: Ruth DeSouza
Published: 2006-06-09

Migrants and refugees make up an increasingly significant number of Aotearoa/New Zealand’s population with one in five New Zealanders being born in another country compared with one in eight people…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Mental Health Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

Motherhood, Migration and Methodology: Giving Voice to the “Other”

By: Ruth DeSouza
Published: 2004-09-01

This paper discusses the need for multi-cultural methodologies that develop knowledge about the maternity experience of migrant women and that are attuned to women’s maternity-related requirements under multi-cultural conditions. Little…continue reading

Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees Women/Wāhine

Walking a tightrope: Asian health research in New Zealand

By: Ruth DeSouza
Published: 2006-09-01

Interest in how knowledge is constructed in multiethnic, multi-lingual, and multi-faith communities is gaining momentum in countries such as New Zealand as they become more diverse. In turn, this provides…continue reading

Asian Health & Wellbeing Migrants and Former Refugees
Ethnicity and Diversity

The Art of Walking Upright Here: Realising a Multicultural Society

By: Ruth DeSouza
Published: 2004-10-01

Background paper for the AsiaNZ Foundation’s Kiwi India Seminar Series: An Outline of the challenges facing Indian communities in New Zealand by drawing together the history of migration to New…continue reading

Asian Language and Culture Migrants and Former Refugees
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