
Whānau Ora: What does it mean in practice?

By: Heather Gifford

Power point Presentation by Heather Gifford.  A power point explanation of  whanau ora.

Frameworks Navigators Policy
Economic Development

Tipping the balance: An analysis of the impact of the Working for Families Policy on Māori Whānau.

By: Dr Heather Gifford, Dr Amohia Boulton, Sue Triggs, Professor Chris Cunningham
Published: 2012-11-01

NZ’s Working for Families (WFF) policy introduced in 2004 aimed to address, amongst other things, the poverty faced by low-income working families. While WFF has been evaluated, little evidence exists…continue reading

Policy Programmes
Economic Development

Implementing Working for Families: the impact of the policy on selected Māori whānau

By: Dr Amohia Boulton, Dr Heather Gifford
Published: 2011-09-03

This paper presents an analysis of the qualitative data collected for a study investigating the effect of the Working for Families policy on Māori families’ self-reported whānau ora (family wellbeing).…continue reading

Policy Programmes
Whānau Ora

Making Work Pay: Policymakers Perspectives on ‘Working for Families’

By: Dr Amohia Boulton, Dr Heather Gifford
Published: 2011-11-15

The paper focuses on preliminary analysis of the first set of data collected, namely key informant interviews conducted with policy makers involved in the development of the Working for Families…continue reading

Families, Whānau and Parenting Policy
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