
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Robyn Barry

As a mature student, I completed my PhD research on a shared social housing model for older women. It was a challenge to be operating both in and for the…continue reading

Tula Brannelly (Dr)

Tula’s research interests relate to citizenship and mental health, particularly for marginalised groups. Interests lie in the effects of social policies on marginalised groups; mental health and older people; service…continue reading

Sue Elliott

Community development, refugees, migrants, human rights. Msc (distinction), BEd.

Amanda Gregory

Areas of Expertise: Interviewing, Social Services, Social Justice, Health & Wellbeing. Currently available as an interviewer for research projects.

Alison Greenaway

The main thread for my work is supporting the co-production of knowledge for sustainble development. I work with people in a variety of settings to explore the possibilities in front…continue reading

Rachael Trotman

Fifteen years social and sustainability research and evaluation for all sectors

Iris Pahau

Jen Margaret

Community development, social justice, Te Tiriti o Waitangi implementation, capacity development. MA (Hons)University of Auckland.

Nick Jones

Consumers, needs, communications, non-profit support. BA Hons – University of North Staffordshire (UK).

Lindsay Jeffs

Not-for-Profit Management, Social Enterprises, Community Development, Climate Change, Social Accounting.

Kataraina Pipi

Iwi and Māori programmes, development and success. Approach to research – work collaboratively with others who have an interest in research and evaluation that serves Iwi and Māori communities, organisations and businesses.…continue reading

Tina Darkins (Dr)

My background is in the field of community health and welfare and community research. I am a Northland trained registered nurse with many years experience in research, community nursing, community…continue reading

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