The 2013 Millennial Impact Report is now available. This year, they gathered information from an online survey, distributed widely and conducted usability testing of nine nonprofits’ online presence [website, social media pages (Facebook and Twitter), emails, and mobile].
The term Millennial here refers to those born between 1970 – 1994.
Their key finding –
“Millennials first support causes they are passionate about (rather than institutions), so it’s up to organizations to inspire them and show them that their support can make a tangible difference on the wider issue.”
The key question for non-profits –
“How can we fully invest in this generation, immerse them in the cause, and maximize the impact of their interest, time, and giving?”
The key cornerstones are:
Connect – the key way to connect is through mobile technologies, but they are selective – they do not follow too many and they care more about the cause than the organisation.
Involve – Millennials like the opportunity to volunteer with like-minded peers.
Give – while they don’t tend to have much to give, they want to give and 52% were found to be interested in monthly giving. They also tend to be keen to fundraise on behalf of causes they are passionate about with events like fun walks.
Find the report and executive summary here.