From support for disseminating research at conferences and publishing, to internships and scholarships – Ngā Pae o te
Māramatanga has the below opportunities available:
Doctoral Bridging Grants
10 April 2013 – 12:00am – 31 May 2013 – 12:00am
Funding Amount: Up to $3,000NZD
To provide assistance to candidates who are not in receipt of any other significant income during the final stages of completion. It is also for those who have just successfully completed their doctoral studies and who are working on research publications, or engaging in knowledge transfer relating to their research. Funding amount is up to $3000 per month.
Conference Attendance Grants (CAG)
10 April 2013 – 9:00am – 31 May 2013 – 5:00pm
Funding Amount: Up to $3,500NZD
To support researchers and developing researchers wishing to disseminate their research work at national and international conferences leading to the potential publication of their research findings.
Don’t forget you can also upload your research right here in our research kete in order to share your research with those in the Tangata Whenua, Community & Voluntary Sector!
Publishing Support Grants (PSG)
10 April 2013 – 9:00am – 31 May 2013 – 5:00pm
Funding Amount: Up to $10,000NZD
For researchers and emerging researchers to publish and/or disseminate their research findings. It is for books, book launches, writing in the Māori language, and other creations including photography and web publications that contribute to indigenous research development.
Fulbright-Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Travel Awards in Indigenous Development August Round
Applications for this round close 1st August 2013. These awards, valued at up to NZ$5,000 are for New Zealand academics, artists or professionals to visit the United States of America for 12 to 90 days in order to present their work on a theme of indigenous development to American audiences. A small number of awards are granted each year.
Fulbright-Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Graduate Award
Applications close 1st August 2013. The Fulbright-Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Graduate Award is for a promising New Zealand graduate student to undertake postgraduate study or research at a US institution in the field of indigenous development. One award valued at up to US$25,000 plus travel is granted each year, towards one year of study or research in the US.
1 August 2013 – 9:00am – 6 September 2013 – 4:00pm
Funding Amount: Up to $5,000NZD
This programme is intended for Māori and Indigenous students interested in pursuing a career in research. The student will work under the direction and guidance of a senior researcher on an existing research project aligned to the research plan of Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga. Ten internships will be available for the period from mid-December 2013 through to the end of February 2014.
Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga Research Methods and Skills Scholarships 2012 NZSSN Summer Programme
10 September 2013 – 12:00am – 20 October 2013 – 4:00pm
Up to 10 scholarships will be offered to our researchers and tertiary students (undergraduate, with the required prerequisites, or postgraduate) within our Participating Research Entities to attend any of the short courses offered by the New Zealand Social Statistics Network (NZSSN) in their summer programme 2014 at Victoria University, Wellington.