This research, carried out by SHORE and Whariki Research Centre and Insight Endometriosis (formerly known as Endometriosis Waikato), explored the experiences of women in the Waikato with endometriosis and looked at levels of access to services.
Insight Endometriosis is a not-for-profit organisation empowering women with endometriosis through community support, information and education and by raising awareness in the wider community. Of the estimated 20,000 Waikato women (one in ten) who have endometriosis, approximately 300 are registered with Endometriosis Waikato.
The SHORE and Whariki Research Centre, School of Public Health, Massey University has a team of researchers with an international reputation in the field of social, health and evaluation research. A review of the international literature on endometriosis helped establish ‘best practice’ protocols and a Rich Dialogue Process (RDP) was held with health professionals to share and reflect on research findings.
The report finishes with options and ideas for the future.
Click here to find the report.