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Literature Review of Health Literacy Education: Training Tools and Resources

This literature review provides an overview of evidence-based health literacy education, training tools and resources for health professionals available in New Zealand and overseas. This report begins by defining the…continue reading

Social Development Dialogue – Wairarapa, 11 June

We’d love to invite you to join Community Research, the New Zealand Council of Social Services and the Social Development Partners, for a discussion of the current environment, and the…continue reading

Economics in policy-making – briefings from the New Economics Foundation

The New Economics Foundation are offering a series of 10 briefings to equip readers with the ability to identify weak rationale and challenge it, the first two are below and…continue reading

General Practices in Whānau Ora Collectives

In February this year the Ministry of Health released its report on the performance of general practices in Whānau Ora collectives, as at September 2012. The results in the report…continue reading

Resources available, The Case Foundation

The Case Foundation “invests in ideas that can change the world”. They are a family foundation that specialises in learning in four key areas: Social Media, Active Citizenship, Good Giving…continue reading

The Health of Māori Adults and Children

This paper presents key findings about the health and wellbeing of Māori adults and children in 2011/12, which come from the New Zealand Health Survey. In summary In 2011/12, almost…continue reading

Making Health Services Adolescent-Friendly, World Health Organisation

World Health Organization. (2013). Geneva: World Health Organization. This guidebook sets out the public health rationale for making it easier for adolescents to obtain the health services they need to…continue reading

Whānau, Disability, and Whānau Ora Research

Whānau, Disability, and Whānau Ora Research #1 Disability is not something individuals have. What individuals have are impairments… Disability is the process which happens when one group of people create…continue reading

Resources on International Philanthropy and Grantmaking

The Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support (WINGS) Knowledge Center is a clearinghouse for publications produced by them, Some of the resources available include: WINGS Forum 2010: Innovation and Impact –…continue reading

Stark Findings About Poverty in the UK Revealed in Open University Collaborative Report

Findings of a new report into poverty and social exclusion make grim reading of the extent of deprivation and financial difficulties faced by people in the UK. The Poverty and…continue reading

Building Child Aware Communities

“Speaking at the Child Aware Approaches Conference in Melbourne (11-12 April 2013), Julie Collins, Minister for Community Services, said the Australian Government would be providing $810,000 to assist communities to…continue reading

Samoan Ways of Knowing

Epistemology is about the relationship between someone who seeks to know and what can be known. It is about how we come to have knowledge. According to Wilson (2008, p.…continue reading

Community Research


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