Amplify Action Enquiry is a 13-month study of the needs and best practice approaches for 9-13 year olds in West Auckland.
This collaborative action enquiry was conceived as a community action project, whereby researchers partnered with local 9-13 year olds in order to understand how to create innovative and effective neighbourhood communities that are responsive to their needs.
The three main questions which this collaborative action enquiry sought to address were:
- What are the best practice and/or new practice approaches which are likely to result in positive outcomes for young people transitioning from pre-teen through to adolescence?
- How can MPHS provide meaningful engagement to improve local young people’s connectedness and wellbeing, particularly those with the greatest need not currently catered for by government programmes for working families?
- How can the MPHS community work together to ensure new initiatives for young people are effective, innovative, collaborative and sustainable whilst building the community’s capacity to consider the new emerging evidence from this project?
A great piece of research in collaboration with and for young people.
Look out for the best practice guidelines that are being developed as a result of this research. You can sign up to their newsletters on the MPHS website.
Download it here.