A great toolkit for developing youth-friendly resources, that can be useful for almost any project, particularly online resources:
The Ministry of Social Development has just released new guidelines, developed together with Youthline, for making mental health resources more youth-friendly. The guidelines are designed for agencies involved with producing resources or information for young people, but will also be useful to any organisation that provides resources to young people.
“These guidelines are designed to provide youth specific information that sits alongside Rauemi Atawhai, the Ministry of Health’s guidelines for developing Health Education Resources.
The Ministry of Youth Development’s guide to youth participation Keepin’ it Real
The Werry Centre’s Evidence Based Age Appropriate Interventions – A Guide for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
The National Mental Health Sector Standards and the Mental Health Commission’s Blueprint II
Each topic or issue related to mental health has its own best evidence to ensure that the information presented to young people is accurate. These guidelines assist in ensuring that the presentation of that information is youth friendly and accessible.”
The guidelines include advice on the development process, design and content.
Click here to go to the resource.