Explore ideas for action to enhance ethnic voices and evidence in public policy

Thank you to everyone who attended this webinar/workshop jointly hosted by the Aotearoa Migration Research Network (AMRN) and Community Research.
Presented by Bev Tso Hong (Community Research) with Cayathri Divakalala, Tim Fadgen, and Arezoo Zarintaj Malihi (Aotearoa Migration Research Network).
In 2023, the Ministry for Ethnic Communities, in collaboration with Ethnic Research Aotearoa (ERA), marked a significant milestone with the launch of the Ethnic Research Hui Aotearoa 2023. The event, held at the National Library, brought together a diverse and enthusiastic assembly of over 100 participants, comprising researchers, evaluators, policy analysts, practitioners, leaders, and service providers from various sectors. The overarching theme for Hui 2023 was “How to better embrace ethnic voices and evidence in public policy?” This successful event involved participant group discussions for five essential topic streams: Nothing about us without us, Ethnic data sovereignty, Networks and active collaboration, Results dissemination and evidence use by practitioners and policymakers, and Existing research and evaluation funds and models.
For more information and photos from the Hui 2023 please follow these links:https://www.ethniccommunities.govt.nz/news/inaugural-ethnic-research-hui-aotearoa-2023-bridging-ethnic-voices-and-public-policy/, https://www.ethniccommunities.govt.nz/assets/News/Ethnic_Research_Hui_Aotearoa_2023-Agenda.pdf, Ministry for Ethnic communities facebook page
Presentation slides from this hui are below, and for attendees to this webinar the survey link is here
Some photos from the Ethnic Research Hui Aotearoa 2023