Past Webinar

Māori, Stats and Data Sovereignty

The Impacts of the 2018 Census for communities, wellbeing and funding

Kirikowhai Mikaere, Professor Tahu Kukutai,

This webinar explores the issues with the 2018 Census data collection and examines what the implications could be for communities and funding.  See below to read some relevant articles prior to the webinar.

Our presenters also discuss iwi data sovereignty and data bias and the reasons why we should all pay more attention to the quality of the data we provide, use and collect.

The webinar is presented by Kirikowhai Mikaere, a leading Māori data and information specialist, focused on harnessing information to empower iwi, hapū, whānau and community development and Tahu Kukutai, Professor of Demography at the National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis where she leads the research programme Te Para One E Tū Mai Nei: Māori and indigenous futures.

This webinar will be useful for community organisation managers across the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sectors, policy workers, community researchers and those working on contract funding and planning.

Webinar Resources

Relevant articles and publications

Data Sovereignty: A useful publication to understand national and international views on indigenous data sovereignty:

Census 2018: Check out these articles related to concerns with Census 2018:

The data quality panel will release its first report on 23 Sept, when Stats NZ will release their first tranche of data.

The independent review of Census 2018 was released last month:

About the Presenters

Kirikowhai Mikaere

Kirikowhai Mikaere (Tuhourangi, Ngati Whakaue) is a leading Māori data and information specialist focused on harnessing information to empower iwi, hapū, whānau and community development. A consultant with over 15 years of experience advising Ministers, government agencies, tribal, community and private sector organisations with practical statistical analysis and innovative place-based data solutions.

With a bi-cultural education and upbringing, intensive technical training, and hands-on experience with diverse communities, Kirikowhai brings a unique perspective to development opportunities. She is currently a technical advisor to the Iwi (Tribal) Chairs Forum - Data Leadership Group, a Future Director of the State Sector on the Te Mangai Paho Board and deputy chair of the Māori Hauora provider Manaaki Ora Trust.

Professor Tahu Kukutai

Tahu Kukutai (Ngāti Tīpā, Ngati Mahanga, Ngāti Kinohaku, Te Aupouri) is Professor of demography at the National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis where she leads the research programme Te Para One E Tū Mai Nei: Māori and indigenous futures. Her current research focuses on iwi demography and data sovereignty. She is PI on a Marsden-funded project “Counting our tūpuna”, working alongside Ngāti Tiipa to develop their own whakapapa database and multimedia digital archive.

Tahu is a founding member of the Māori Data Sovereignty Network Te Mana Raraunga and the Global Indigenous Data Alliance (GIDA). She co-edited the landmark book Indigenous data sovereignty: toward an agenda, and is currently co-editing Indigenous data sovereignty and policy (Routledge) and the Handbook of Indigenous sociology (Oxford). Tahu is a member of the Census 2018 External Data Quality Panel, the Chief Science Advisor Forum and the Iwi (Tribal) Chairs Forum - Data Leadership Group.

This Webinar was held

11 AM NZ Time
14 Oct


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