Past Webinar

Housing Research: Challenges and Insights for Communities in Aotearoa

National Science Challenge: Māori Community Research - making a difference

Diane Menzies, James Berghan, Rangimahora Reddy, Yvonne Wilson,

The webinar provides a chance to engage with key Maori researchers and the latest research from Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities Ko Ngā wā Kāinga hei Whakamāhorahora National Science Challenge.  In this webinar, you will hear about case studies from researchers in Aotearoa New Zealand and the development of the platform for cross-sector action to address housing and homelessness issues in Aotearoa/NZ.

This presentation provides insight for social service and community organisations, policy and research analysts, planners and funders.

Resources referred to in the Webinar

Powerpoint slides – Diane Menzies

Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities papers by Diane Menzies:

James Berghan: Rangatahi: Perceptions of Housing and Papakāinga

About the Presenters

Diane Menzies

Dr Diane Menzies (Ngāti Kahungunu), ONZM. A director of Landcult Ltd, a research and advisory consultancy, her PhD is in resource studies. She was a director of Ministry for the Environment, a local government councilor and a Commissioner with the Environment Court; past president of the International Federation of Landscape Architects, now a senior member of Ngā Aho (Māori Designers) and New Zealand representative on the ICOMOS-IFLA Cultural Landscape Committee.

James Berghan

James (Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri) is a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor and PhD candidate at the University of Otago. After working on a range of planning, subdivision and land development projects in Waikato, he returned to the School of Surveying in Dunedin to research alternative housing development models. His PhD project is part of the Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities research programme and looks at critical success factors of cohousing and urban papakāinga. He is also a member of the Kāinga Tahi, Kāinga Rua research team looking at rangatahi Māori perceptions and aspirations related to housing.

Rangimahora Reddy

Originally from Himatangi, Rangimahora has worked for Rauawaawa Kaumātua Charitable Trust since 2010. Working with Kaumātua or those she describes as “nga matauranga taonga” makes Rauawaawa a very special place to be. Rangimahora has been educated at Massey University and has spent the last three decades working in both the health and education sectors.

Yvonne Wilson

Yvonne has experience in managing and leading a for-kaumātua-by-kaumātua organisation in Kirikiriroa. She also brings networks in the health and social services sector serving kaumātua and has skills in project management, financial management and business development. She co-leads the project, specifically managing contractual and working relationships with advisory and experts groups.

This Webinar was held

11AM NZ Time
27 Aug


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