Community and Voluntary Sector Research Forums
- Wellington, Tuesday 26 March 2013, 3 – 5pm
- North Shore, Auckland, Thursday 28 March, 9.30am to midday
You are invited: Please come and talk about research that is happening in your community group. This is an environment for sharing experiences and skills, and for learning new ways to support the work of your organisation. The presentations are informal and there is lots of discussion.
We welcome offers, requests, recommendations and suggestions for presentations. If you are with a government agency, a funder, or an education institution, you would be welcome to present on research you are doing that involves tangata whenua, community or voluntary sector organisations. Please contact the ANGOA Coordinator dave.henderson@angoa.org.nz
Monthly Sector Roundtable in Wellington
- These events take place on the 2nd Thursday each month, 10am to midday
- 14 March; 11 April; 9 May; 13 June; 11 July; 8 August; 12 September; 10 October (ANGOA AGM and Forum) 14 November; 12 December.
For more information go to www.angoa.org.nz.