Kia ora, I am a youth worker with 7+ years of experience, and am currently doing my PhD part-time alongside the Clinical Psychology Programme at the Victoria University of Wellington.…continue reading
Rand Hazou is a Senior Lecturer in Theatre at Massey University. His research explores theatre engaging with rights and social justice. His research interests are applied theatre, refugee theatre and…continue reading
My name is Agustina and I’m an Argentinian English-Spanish professional translator and interpreter. I completed an undergraduate translation degree at the National University of Córdoba (Argentina) before moving to Aotearoa…continue reading
Dr Emily Greenbank is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington ( a position funded by the Rutherford Foundation).…continue reading
As a researcher, educator and strategist I am driven by a desire to enhance human and social prosperity for people and communities in New Zealand. As a qualitative researcher, I…continue reading
I am an experienced qualitative researcher, evaluator and educator with a particular affiliation for matters of cultural and social justice and inequality. My work spans disability, gender and sexuality, public…continue reading
Nadia’s background is in health and environmental sciences and she completed her doctoral studies at the University of Waterloo in Canada in 2014. She primarily teaches at the postgraduate level…continue reading
Julie Wharewera-Mika (DClinPsy; Ngāti Awa, Ngāi Tuhoe, Te Whānau-a-Apanui) is a Director, Senior Clinical Psychologist and Kaupapa Researcher with Manu Ārahi – The Flying Doctors (Kaupapa Māori Psychology & Research…continue reading
Kia ora I’m a researcher, co-designer and neurodivergent Pākehā woman living in Horowhenua. I acknowledge tangata whenua and pay my respects to iwi Rangitāne, Muaūpoko and Ngāti Apa. My research…continue reading
Kirsten Spencer is an Associate Professor at Auckland University of Technology where she leads the research team in Performance analysis, Sports Coaching and Youth Development. She is a director of…continue reading
Kia ora. I am a researcher and change strategist who specialises in supporting communities, NGOs and government to develop, implement and measure community-based approaches to prevent family and sexual violence.…continue reading