
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Community-led culture-centered prevention of family violence and sexual violence 

Culture-centered engagement with ethnic communities on violence prevention Pooja Jayan engaged with ethnic and migrant communities in the Manawatu region to identify existing community needs in the context of primary…continue reading

O le Fa’atamasoali’iga a Tautai Matapalapala – A Soul-Searching and Far-Reaching Voyage of the Tautai

Effective educational leadership characteristics that bring about changes in schools that support Pacific children to make a better start in their learning, health and well-being. This research investigates the Pacific…continue reading

Where Will We Live in The Future? “Ta tatou kainga e noho ana ki hea a te wa heke mai”

Our research project was conducted throughout 2020 with the support of Alan Johnson from the Child Poverty Action Group. The report gives a voice to disabled people’s concerns about the…continue reading

Continence NZ Service Users – Research and Service Review

This research was commissioned to deliver a review of the services provided by Continence NZ and make recommendations as to how the organisation can most effectively serve those living with…continue reading

State of Volunteering in Aotearoa 2022

The State of Volunteering is Volunteering New Zealand’s flagship report on the state of the community and voluntary sector. Over the years, this report has evolved, reflecting the demands of…continue reading

“We Want to Contribute”: Former Refugees’ Perspectives and Aspirations on Economic Integration

The economic and subsequent societal benefits that former refugees offer a host country is poorly understood in New Zealand. These former refugees are noted to be a most vulnerable minority…continue reading

Building a freshwater monitoring toolkit to give effect to Ngaa Rauru values

As Māori around the motu continue to assert the mana motuhake in freshwater management, many are developing bespoke freshwater monitoring approaches that represent their own values for freshwater. Here, we…continue reading

Islands of Indigenous innovation: Reclaiming and reconceptualising innovation within, against and beyond colonial-capitalism

From Vision Mātauranga and Callaghan, to Silicon Valley and billionaire space races, ‘innovation’ is becoming a placeholder for particular conceptions of progress. The concept is almost exclusively, however, associated with…continue reading

Strengths-based resilience intervention for informal carers of stroke survivors

Stroke is considered the most common cause of long-term and complex disability, often resulting in a combination of sensory, motor, and cognitive deficits. Stroke survivors return to live in the…continue reading

Lots of Little Fires

Video Story-Telling for The Waikato Wellbeing Project The concept of ‘lots of little fires’ captures the idea that there are many small ‘fires’ of passionate people ‘burning bright’ across the…continue reading

Perceived Discrimination as Experienced by Muslims in New Zealand Universities

Since the March 15 attacks in Christchurch, there has been raised awareness and new and strong enthusiasm to understand the experiences of the Muslim minority community. This exploratory paper investigates…continue reading

Theorising Māori Health and Wellbeing in a Whakapapa Paradigm: Voices from the Margins

This thesis explores communication infrastructures at the margins of Indigeneity to understand Māori health and wellbeing meanings, challenges, strategies and solutions, articulated by whānau whose voices have been ignored, or…continue reading

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