The Child Cancer Foundation 2022-23 Social Impact Report highlights the Foundation’s ongoing efforts to support families of children diagnosed with cancer across New Zealand. The report outlines how the Foundation provides practical, emotional, and financial assistance to families at various stages of their cancer journey. Key initiatives include providing Family Support Coordinators (FSCs) to help families navigate the healthcare system, offering counselling and bereavement services, and supporting families with accommodation and financial aid. The Foundation focuses on helping families build resilience, maintain healthy relationships, and connect with a community of others facing similar challenges.

The report reveals that overall family well-being has been maintained from previous years, with notable improvements in areas such as self-care and emotional resilience, especially for families newly diagnosed or off treatment. The Child Cancer Foundation’s work has been particularly impactful in helping families find moments of joy, fostering community connections, and improving access to vital resources. Despite ongoing challenges, such as feelings of isolation and the emotional toll of a cancer diagnosis, the Foundation’s comprehensive support services have helped families cope with the pressures and stresses that come with caring for a child with cancer.


Creator | Kaihanga
Child Cancer Foundation, Huber Social
Year of Creation | Tau
Keywords | Kupu
child cancer, paediatric cancer, family support, wellbeing, social impact, whānau support, emotional resilience, bereavement support, financial assistance, community connection, health services, holistic care, family relationships, New Zealand, counselling services
Main Language | Reo Matua
Submitter's Rights | Nga Tika o te Kaituku
I am the author / creator of this resource
This Research has
been written outside an academic institution
Bibliographic Citation | Whakapuakanga

Child Cancer Foundation., & Huber Social. (2023). Social impact report 2022-23: The impact of Child Cancer Foundation on the overall wellbeing of families on their paediatric cancer journey. Child Cancer Foundation.

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