
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

CONNECTING HOMELANDS Telling the stories of Post-war Cretan Migrant Women in Aotearoa New Zealand An oral history and digital storytelling project

This digital archive contains the material of an oral history project that recorded the personal stories of elderly Cretan Greek women who came to New Zealand in the early 60s…

A study of loneliness in Auckland 2021

Loneliness is a distressing emotional state of not having meaningful connections with others. This study looked at levels of loneliness in Auckland, using data from Statistics NZ and Auckland Council.…

The End of the Rainbow? Chinese Queer International Students Negotiating the “Ethnic Closet” in New Zealand

Drawing on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 15 Chinese queer international students from New Zealand’s tertiary institutions, this paper explores their motivations to pursue higher education transnationally, and unpacks the interconnected…

Challenges to the proof of violence, and social stigma for ethnic migrant women in the current Victims of Family Violence (VFV) visa policy in Aotearoa New Zealand

Analyses showed that victim-survivors face significant barriers in accessing this visa. Proving violence and an inability to return to their country of origin due to social stigma are complex and…

Aotearoa New Zealand Government Evacuation and Resettlement Support for the 2021 Afghanistan: PROJECT FINDINGS

On 15 August 2021, the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan, prompting many individuals at risk to seek safety elsewhere. Deeply concerned by the dire human rights situation, a coalition of…

O le Fa’atamasoali’iga a Tautai Matapalapala – A Soul-Searching and Far-Reaching Voyage of the Tautai

Effective educational leadership characteristics that bring about changes in schools that support Pacific children to make a better start in their learning, health and well-being. This research investigates the Pacific…

Building a freshwater monitoring toolkit to give effect to Ngaa Rauru values

As Māori around the motu continue to assert the mana motuhake in freshwater management, many are developing bespoke freshwater monitoring approaches that represent their own values for freshwater. Here, we…

Strengths-based resilience intervention for informal carers of stroke survivors

Stroke is considered the most common cause of long-term and complex disability, often resulting in a combination of sensory, motor, and cognitive deficits. Stroke survivors return to live in the…

Lots of Little Fires

Video Story-Telling for The Waikato Wellbeing Project The concept of ‘lots of little fires’ captures the idea that there are many small ‘fires’ of passionate people ‘burning bright’ across the…

Theorising Māori Health and Wellbeing in a Whakapapa Paradigm: Voices from the Margins

This thesis explores communication infrastructures at the margins of Indigeneity to understand Māori health and wellbeing meanings, challenges, strategies and solutions, articulated by whānau whose voices have been ignored, or…

Designing for health equity: A mixed method study exploring community experiences and perceptions of pharmacists’ role in minor ailment care

Minor ailments are self-limiting, easily diagnosable and treatable conditions. Funded pharmacist minor ailments services (PMAS) have been posited to improve medicines access equity and, despite ethnic minorities across the globe…

Colonization’s Impact on Fiji, New Zealand, India and Cultural Intersectionalities

Colonization’s Impact on Fiji, New Zealand, India and Cultural Intersectionalities Colonization had a profound effect on the Maori, Indian, Fiji Indian and Native Fijian population, intersecting with the Auckland Sugar…

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