
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Philanthropy in Australia and Aotearoa 2020-2023

This short article is a follow-up to an earlier article (Godfrey & Williamson 2020). Linked here Our earlier findings concerning no diminution of philanthropy during recessions, excepting corporates, seems…

Critical Tiriti Analysis of He Mata Whāriki, He Matawhānui: Review into the Future of Local Government in Aotearoa

Hapū are interested in local government due to their decision-making influence over the cultural, social, economic and environmental wellbeing of a district that can enable or restrict tino rangatiratanga. In…

A Critical Tiriti Analysis of the Treaty Statement From a University in Aotearoa New Zealand

Universities in Aotearoa New Zealand have been placed under the spotlight for claims of systemic racism. Following the claims made in relation to the University of Waikato in 2020 and…

Community Case Studies Research Report : Tairāwhiti Climate Adaptation Planning Project

Extreme weather events have become more frequent with climate change. The East Coast has been particularly hard hit in recent years. In early 2023 the Gisborne District Council commissioned Te…

Regenerative Communities Pilot Report

This report tells the story of a project to explore using a regenerative approach to community-building. The pilot aimed to both learn and practice how to undertake regeneration with and…

O Le Ala I Le Pule O Le Tautua: Pacific Peoples Participation in Governance in Aotearoa New Zealand

Pacific people have been in Aotearoa / New Zealand for generations and have made many meaningful contributions to their new home: contributions in the spheres of sport, education, the arts,…

Foodshed and Food System Analysis – Buller District

The Foodshed and Food System Analysis for the Buller district is part of a Local Food Economyinitiative. In providing insights into the foodshed and food system, KNECT (the local community…

Chinese migrant communities’ relationships to coastal spaces in the ‘City of Sails’, Aotearoa New Zealand

New Zealanders have long-standing and multifaceted relationships with coasts, including recreation activities in, on and by the water. Leisure scholarship to date has paid little attention to outdoor recreation in…

Outcomes, Accountability and Community Organisations: Holy Grail, Black Hole or Wholly Possible?

Context: The Winds of ChangeSince 1984 the New Zealand Government was an early and bold adopter of neoliberal approaches to public administration that collectively came to be known as new…

Long Term Impacts of Youth Mentoring: A thematic analysis of interviews collected with previous mentees, mentors and mentee whānau of the Challenge for Change mentoring programme.

Challenge for Change (C4C) is a mentoring programme run by BGI, a youth development organisation. C4C fosters mentoring partnerships between volunteer mentors and young people ages 9-13. This research aimed…

A critical review of crime and punishment during the2023 election year in Aotearoa New Zealand.

David Haigh AbstractThe 2023 elections in Aotearoa New Zealand raised crime as a major political issue. This was in spite of a general fall in crime statistics. Despite major population…

Barriers to and Recommendations for Equitable Access to Healthcare for Migrants and Refugees in Aotearoa, New Zealand: An Integrative Review

The health system in Aotearoa New Zealand is predicated on equity in access to health services as a fundamental objective yet barriers to equitable access for migrant and refugees continue…

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