This presentation explores how causal inferences can be drawn from a ‘natural experiment’, like Whānau Ora. I talk generally about health interventions and a little about the Whānau Ora initiative,…continue reading
This presentation explores how causal inferences can be drawn from a ‘natural experiment’, like Whānau Ora. I talk generally about health interventions and a little about the Whānau Ora initiative,…continue reading
This paper explores how Māori cultural processes can guide research processes. Tikanga Māori (Māori ways/traditions) based dialogue processes acknowledge relationships between people and the reasons why they have gathered together.…continue reading
Action Research is a participatory research method in which research is then undertaken to answer the question, with the findings reflected upon for their practice implications. Practice is then changed…continue reading
Action Research is a participatory research method in which esearch is then undertaken to answer the question, with the findings reflected upon for their practice implications. Practice is then changed…continue reading