
What can Pākehā learn from engaging in Kaupapa Māori research?

By: Alex Barnes
Published: 2014-11-12

Written by Te Wāhanga kairangahau Alex Barnes, this working paper focuses on how Pākehā have become involved in Māori-determined and controlled educational research, and what issues inhibit and facilitate their…continue reading

Education & Training Kaupapa Māori approaches Research & Evaluation
Kaupapa Māori Theory

Ka whānau mai te reo: Honouring Whānau, Upholding Reo Māori

By: Nicola Bright, Alex Barnes and Jessica Hutchings
Published: 2013-10-03

This is the first report from a 3-year (2012–2015) kaupapa Māori research project that investigates how best to support the continuity of reo Māori development of whānau as they transition…continue reading

Kaupapa Māori Whānau Hapu Iwi
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