
Designing for health equity: A mixed method study exploring community experiences and perceptions of pharmacists’ role in minor ailment care

By: Māori Pharmacists Association and National Hauora Coalition
Published: 2023-02-01

Minor ailments are self-limiting, easily diagnosable and treatable conditions. Funded pharmacist minor ailments services (PMAS) have been posited to improve medicines access equity and, despite ethnic minorities across the globe…continue reading


Establishing research tikanga to manaaki research participants in a pandemic

By: Māori Pharmacists Association and National Hauora Coalition
Published: 2023-02-01

The need for, and importance of, kaupapa Māori methods in science and health research is now clearly articulated in best practice guidance1,2 and is increasingly recognised as important by research…continue reading


Māori, pharmacists, and medicines adherence – A mixed methods study exploring indigenous experiences of taking medicines ‘as prescribed’ and mechanisms of support

By: The Māori Pharmacists Association and National Hauora Coalition
Published: 2023-02-01

Background: Medicines are the most common medical intervention and medicines adherence is associated with improved clinical outcomes. Understanding drivers and experiences of medicines adherence is important for optimising medicines use.…continue reading

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