
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Critical Tiriti Analysis Community of Practice Hui – Unmasking Racism

Tertiary institutions in Aotearoa New Zealand have been placed under the spotlight for claims of systemic racism. Following the claims made in relation to the University of Waikato in 2020,…continue reading

Integrating Māori Ecological Wisdom and Civil Defence: A Contrasting Analysis of Vulnerabilities and Resilience in Hauraki Māori Communities

This article explores the response of Hauraki Māori communities to the housing crisis in Hauraki, which was intensified by Cyclone Gabrielle. It contrasts Indigenous disaster response strategies with existing civil…continue reading

“I know – that’s the system. The system is wrong”: Allyship and social justice in community interpreting from a service-user perspective

Defined as the practice of gaining awareness and acting upon the oppression of marginalized groups, allyship can account for the power interpreters hold in systems of oppression and can contribute…continue reading

Huritanga 10 Years of Transformative Place-making

This book celebrates a decade of Life in Vacant Spaces, affectionately known as LiVS, and the collection of over 700 projects supported during this time.

Enabling life in vacant spaces: A partnership approach to evaluating holistic wellbeing in disaster recovery contexts

This report outlines two approaches to assessing the intentions and outcomes of the non-governmental organisation, Life in Vacant Spaces (LiVS), in Ōtautahi Christchurch. Ōtautahi Christchurch presents a useful case study…continue reading

Delivering Urban Wellbeing through Transformative Community Enterprise: Final Report

Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing (Turner, Henryks and Pearson, 2011). In the New Zealand city of Christchurch,…continue reading

When Cultivate Thrives: Developing Criteria for Community Economy Return on Investment

Project overview: Urban communities around the world are using farming and gardening to promote food security, social inclusion and wellbeing. For Christchurch-based Cultivate, urban farms are not only physical places…continue reading

More than monitoring: Developing impact measures for transformative social enterprise

Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 involves transformational change in the business of business, and social enterprises can lead the way in such change. We studied Cultivate, one such…continue reading

Refugees and mental wellbeing. A call for community approaches in Aotearoa New Zealand

This paper was co-produced by a mental health special interest group as part of the Migrant and Refugee Health Research Centre at Auckland University of Technology. The paper started as…continue reading

Workshop report: Improving working conditions for interpreters, a collaborative session

On 16 September 2023, an interactive workshop was held during the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI) Conference in Ōtautahi Christchurch to address fair pay and working conditions…continue reading

Nine approaches to buildings

Creating case studies of successful pathways to building ownership was an important part of the Stable Spaces research. They model strategies and tactics that we can learn from and repeat.…continue reading

The Stable Spaces Survey

The purpose of the Stable Spaces survey was to establish an overview of how the arts are housed in Aotearoa, and how their housing supports their activities. Going into the…continue reading

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