Report on the Performance of General Practices in Whānau Ora Collectives

A recent report by the Ministry of Health on the performance of different Whanau ora Collectives,  suggests a degree of growing improvement which is encouraging given the areas of concern for which Whānau Ora is focused.

The report states,

The results are encouraging, considering the proportion of high-needs patients enrolled with Whānau Ora general practices is 61.2 percent, compared to 26.5 percent in the national sample. It is the Ministry of Health’s view that Whānau Ora general practices continue to perform well.

The results vary with there being no significant change in some areas to there being significant change in others. The most striking improvements were in ‘giving smoking cessation advice’ which was up by 17.5 percent from the previous recorded year and in ‘recording patients’ cardiovascular disease risk’ which was up by 14.8 percent from the previous year.

The report is available HERE 

The report from the previous year can also be found HERE

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