Rangatahi Court: Evaluation of the early outcomes of Te Kooti Rangatahi
Kaipuke Limited. (2012, December). Wellington: Ministry of Justice.
The report is a qualitative assessment, surveying those involved with the Rangatahi Court on their experiences with the Court. It showed the Rangatahi Courts helped young Maori connect with their cultural identity, engage with their local marae community and find positive role models, which in turn encouraged positive behaviour such as active engagement with the court process.
The key evaluation questions to be addressed are:
- how are Ngā Kooti Rangatahi being implemented in practice and perceived by rangatahi/whānau and local level stakeholders?
- what are the early observable outcomes – intended and unintended
- what challenges exist and how can they be addressed?
- what improvements could be made to maximise the potential of Ngā Kooti Rangatahi?
Find the paper on the Ministry of Justice website here