
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Patricia Hanlen

Voluntary sector, leadership, child protection, student placement, teaching and supervision. Key publications: P. A. Hanlen (2002). Altruistic Leaders—Voices of Women in Voluntary Organizations. Master’s Thesis in Massey University Library, National…continue reading

Victoria Quade

Community broadcasting & cross-cultural adult education.

Beat Huser

Sustainable development, wellbeing indicators, wellbeing economics, ecological footprint, spatial planning, ecosystem services, genuine progress indicator. PhD in Environmental Sciences (ETHZurich, Switzerland).

Tina Darkins (Dr)

My background is in the field of community health and welfare and community research. I am a Northland trained registered nurse with many years experience in research, community nursing, community…continue reading

Hilary Stace (Dr)

Research interests: disability, particularly autism and intellectual impairment, ethics (history, policy etc) New Zealand history, particularly disability, education, women, activism, politics etc Research approach: prefer participatory approaches underpinned by social…continue reading

Dianne Wepa

Masters of Philosophy (Social Work), 2002, Action research project: An exploration of the experiences of cultural safety educators. Dr Dianne Wepa kindly shared her story with Community Research. Read more…continue reading

Fiona Cram (Dr)

Kaupapa Māori (by Māori, for Māori) research, evaluation, strategic planning and facilitation. Quantitative and qualitative, mixed methods research and evaluation. Māori health & women’s health research. Community provider/NGO capacity building assessment and…continue reading

Jay Marlowe

Jay’s primary area of research interest focuses upon refugee resettlement, social inclusion and ways that migrant communities can participate within civil society. Jay is currently leading a study with Refugee…continue reading

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