
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Nuke Martiarini

I am a Muslim woman, a PhD student at Massey University based in Auckland, and originally from Indonesia. I am researching Muslim Migrant Women in Aotearoa and how they navigate…continue reading

Nabilah Husna Binte Abdul Rahman

I am a Malay and Tamil PhD candidate from Singapore, living in Te Whanganui a Tara. My research, conducted at Te Herenga Waka-Victoria University of Wellington, is focused on Southeast…continue reading

Janie Walker

I work in community, allyship, participatory action research, engagement and equity. I have worked as the General Manager of Community Research 2021/2022 to advocate for community and whānau aspirations for…continue reading

Maya Bernardo

I am born and raised in Manila, Philippines and moved to New Zealand in 2012. I have worked mostly in the education sector as a higher education manager, researcher and…continue reading

Maya Bernardo

With extensive international experience in the education and not-for-profit sectors, taking up roles as researcher, director/manager and coordinator of service units and programmes, and adult educator. My research interests are…continue reading

Corrina Dixon

Kia Ora, I am currently working as the Senior Mentoring Coordinator at Pillars, supporting children and youth with parents in prison. I am passionate about transformative justice and community/youth development.…continue reading

Aoife Healy

Dia Dhaoibh and Kia Ora, I am an Irish woman who has been living in Tamaki Makaurau Auckland since 2010 and have worked in the community sector for the last…continue reading

Anura Widana (Dr)

Anura is currently project manager, Dasu Hydropower Project in Pakistan. He holds an B Sc (Hons) Agriculture from University of Sri Lanka, an M Sc (Agric. Economics & Extension) from…continue reading

Alejandra González Campanella

Alejandra González Campanella is a PhD candidate in Translation Studies. She holds an MA in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies from Universitàt Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain, and a BA in…continue reading

Tania Jones

Tania Jones manages a coaching and consulting company supporting business leaders and community-led development initiatives. She has over 20 years experience in not-for-profit governance and a particular interest in youth, social entrepreneurship, and volunteering. She is enrolled in…continue reading

Sarah Wylie

Coming from a fairly short stint as a researcher and evaluator in the public sector, I have worked as an independent researcher and evaluator across a broad range of sectors,…continue reading

Sarah Nichol

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