
The News and musings from the yards, barrel halls and tasting panels, and from on the road traveled between.

Gary Watts

Have completed extensive research within the community (for a number of years) which includes social issues which indicate distinctly unusual (regularly major and often ongoing) forms of societal produced disadvantage.

Helen Potter (Dr)

I’ve been a kaupapa Māori researcher for 20 years predominantly in the fields of Māori education, adult learning, whānau wellbeing, and more recently, in Māori health, housing and environmental wellbeing.…continue reading

Gillian White (Dr)

40 years in health services and academic research including supervision of Masters and Doctoral theses and examination of same.30 completed research projects. 53 international and national peer-reviewed publicationsAreas of expertise:…continue reading

Marg Wilkie

I grew up in Te Awakairangi (Lower Hutt) and studied at Victoria University of Wellington. I worked in Community Development and coordinated and managed Vocational Education and Training. I completed my PhD in 2010…continue reading

Pat Bullen

As a Senior Lecturer in youth development and youth mentoring in the School of Learning, Development and Professional Practice in the Faculty of Education at The University of Auckland, I…continue reading

Gordon Cessford

I was the lead Social Scientist at the Department of Conservation for many years. Work there involved outdoor recreation participation and development; tourism impacts, benefits and development; physical impacts on…continue reading

Muni Prabaharan

Research Achievement: Written 81 research papers & 2 books Specialty: Topology Optimization, Computer Aided Engineering, Structural Analysis Experience: 5 years plus in Independent Research career & 3 plus in New…continue reading

Robyn Barry

As a mature student, I completed my PhD research on a shared social housing model for older women. It was a challenge to be operating both in and for the…continue reading

Ann Walker (Dr)

DR Ann Walker is a senior policy analyst, with a doctorate in Philosphy from Victoria University. Some of her published works are included in this list: Walker, A. ‘Strengthening Families…continue reading

Garth Nowland-Foreman

Garth is a founding partner of the capacity-building social enterprise, LEAD Centre for Not for Profit Governance & Leadership. He also taught part-time for 18 years in Graduate Programmes in…continue reading

Carolyn Cordery (Dr)

Carolyn Cordery’s research interests are focused on Not for Profit accounting and accountability, incorporating financial and non-financial reporting, regulation, and governance. She is an Adjunct Professor at Victoria University and…continue reading

Jude Varcoe

Sixteen years of practical research experience. Quantitative: telephone surveys, online surveys, intercept and face to face surveys, mail surveys. Qualitative: in-depth interviews, focus groups, mini groups and paired interviews

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