Kaitūhono Research sector engagement and projects lead

E aku rangatira, tēnā koutou katoa. I whānau mai ahau i ngā motu makariri, i ngā motu mākū o Ingarani, heoi i pakeke mai ahau i raro i te maru o Parapara maunga, i te rohe ātaahua o Mohua, i runga i te manaakitanga o Ngāti Tama, o Ngāti Rārua, o Te Ātiawa anō hoki. Ko Owen Baxendale tōku ingoa.
Hailing from the sunny shores of Mohua/Golden Bay, Owen joined Community Research as our Kaitūhono – research sector engagement and projects lead. Owen has five years’ experience working in the conservation space, with a focus on science communication, storytelling, research and evaluation, and reporting. A lot of his mahi has centred around connecting with people about their work and helping to raise its profile and to communicate its importance to different audiences.
“I love talking to people about their mahi and trying to figure out how I can support them to enhance its mana and help demonstrate its importance and value. I’m really excited to be joining an organisation where I’ll be able to make many more connections with researchers working across a bunch of different and important kaupapa and help make a positive difference for communities and Aotearoa whānui.”
It was awsome having Owen as a part of our team, he will be sorely missed.