Toitū te whenua, toitū te reo, toitū te mana o ngā tīpuna
Whakamanahia Te Reo Māori Research Project – Te Kohikohinga o Ngā Taonga Mahi
Phase Three of Te Reo Māori Proficiency of Graduates from Māori-medium Initial Teacher Education Programmes
Request for Proposals: Researcher
The request for proposals closes at 5 pm on Monday 25 March 2013.
The New Zealand Teachers Council requires an experienced researcher with a high level of te reo Māori proficiency for phase 3 of the Whakamanahia Te Reo Māori project. The researcher will be seeking feedback on the draft te reo Māori proficiency framework from staff in four full immersion Māori medium ITE settings.
All inquiries regarding submitting a proposal should be directed to:Christina Thornley
Principal Advisor Teacher Education
New Zealand Teachers Council/Te Pouherenga Kaiako o Aotearoa
Email: Christina.thornley@teacherscouncil.govt.nz
Timeline and Key Dates
The request for proposals closes at 5 pm on Monday 25 March 2013.
It is expected that the contract for the project will be awarded by late April 2013.
You should send two unbound copies of your proposal to:
Christina Thornley
Principal Advisor Teacher Education
New Zealand Teachers Council/Te Pouherenga Kaiako o Aotearoa
80 Boulcott St
PO Box 5326
Wellington 6145
Email: Christina.thornley@teacherscouncil.govt.nz
For more information see www.gets.govt.nz (Government Electronic Tenders site) reference #38579