This research is based on interviews with 18 people who have successfully claimed asylum and staff from agencies working with asylum seekers.
They found systemic information and service delivery gaps with research participants facing an array of challenges to claiming asylum and permanent residency.
The report outlines the research undertaken, the New Zealand context, an overview of support services available, research findings (broken down into areas such as discrimination, access to healthcare, access to employment etc.) and findings from discussions with care providers.
It then suggests some recommendations to address some of the challenges refugees face when seeking asylum in New Zealand including:
• To look at and address challenges in the policy and procedures around asylum seekers and the differences in the treatment of Convention refugees and quota refugees
• To look at and address provision for support services for asylum seekers
Find the report here
See also the press release from ChangeMakers Refugee Forum: A hidden issue: Aotearoa NZ’s ‘twilight’ refugees