Clear Horizon offers the below learning opportunities
Evaluating Community Engagement
Melbourne, 13-14 March 2013
While the logic of evaluating engagement is entirely consistent with that of program evaluation, there are some unique challenges to overcome to effectively evaluate engagement.
Key learning objectives of the course are to:
1. Understand the basics of engagement evaluation
2. To learn and practice using a set of practical guidelines for engagement evaluations
For a detailed course description and registration click here.
Theory of Change for Aid Effectiveness
Melbourne, 21-22 May 2013
This workshop draws on Clear Horizon’s extensive experience of using this technique in a variety of development contexts, including the development of high level, multi-partner strategies as well as mapping out the theory of change for an aid program.
The unique challenges and operating environment of international aid and development often require adaption of existing monitoring and evaluation tools. This course helps teams consider how:
- Outcomes can best be achieved
- Articulate a clear narrative for the choice of interventions
- To monitor, evaluate and report on progress in the context of partnership arrangements and complex environments
For a detailed course description and registration click here.