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Towards the ‘tangible unknown’: Decolonization and the Indigenous future

On the occasion of the inaugural issue of Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, we examine the many contradictions, contestations and possible pathways to decolonization. In working to explore the many…continue reading

Talking with Amohia Boulton part-2

Amohia Boulton (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngai te Rangi, Ngāti Pukenga, Ngāti Mutunga) is a Senior Researcher and Associate Director at Whakauae Research for Māori Health and Development, a small tribally-owned and…continue reading

The Human Cost of Inequality lecture series, May 2014, Auckland

The authors of the highly acclaimed book “The Spirit Level: Why Equality is Better for Everyone”  are presenting the 2014 Sir Douglas Robb Lectures hosted by the University of Auckland. When:…continue reading

Deterritorialising geopolitical spaces and challenging neoliberal conditions through language revernacularisation in kōhanga reo

This article, written by Mere Skerrett,  explores some of the influences shaping early childhood Māori language education in Aotearoa New Zealand. By drawing on Garcia’s socio-historical stages of language orientation…continue reading

Enacting Kaitiakitanga: Challenges and Complexities in the Governance and Ownership of Rongoā Research Information

This article explores the tensions one research team has faced in securing appropriate governance or stewardship (which we refer to as kaitiakitanga) of research data. Whilst ethical and regulatory frameworks…continue reading

Ka Awatea: An iwi case study of Māori students’ success

This Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga project incorporates most of the secondary schools and wharekura within the Rotorua school zone. From the literature, data gathered, and the matching and discussion…continue reading

Children and the Canterbury Earthquakes, Paper from the Child Poverty Action Group

“Even in developed countries, disasters have a knack of finding the poor and vulnerable” How are children affected by earthquakes? A number of young people between the ages of 10…continue reading

Kaupapa Māori wellbeing framework: The basis for whānau violence prevention and intervention

Authors: Terry Dobbs & Moana Eruera The purpose of this Issues Paper is to identify some key considerations for implementing kaupapa Māori frameworks at a government and iwi level, as…continue reading

International Indigenous Development Research Conference 25-28 November 2014

The 6th Biennial Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga conference will highlight indigeneity and the multidisciplinary approach used for indigenous development. Presentations and papers will address aspects of the following themes…continue reading

Update: Ngā Pae o Te Māramatanga funding

Māori researchers keep pressure on funding stalemate Māori researchers are calling on Government Ministers to come up with ways of tackling the issue of Māori research funding. They believe the…continue reading

Thought Space Wānanga

‘Tiakina Te Pā Harakeke’ is a research project that investigates the collective values that nourish and enhances the well-being of tamariki Māori as taonga within our whānau, hapū and iwi.…continue reading

The Fundamental Laws: Codification for decolonization?

Indigenous knowledge has sustained Indigenous peoples for centuries. Despite the traumatizing and coercive impacts of European, and later American colonization, Indigenous peoples have been able to maintain many aspects of…continue reading

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