Claiming Interstitial Space for Multicultural, Transdisciplinary Research Through Community – up Values


Fiona Cram, Katoa Ltd, Auckland.  Hazel Phillips, Independent Consultant, Wellington. Published in 2012 in the International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies, this paper looks at,

The development of Māori (Indigenous New Zealanders) research capacity over the past 20 years now begs the question of how Māori and Tauiwi (non-Māori) researchers might authentically partner and undertake transdisciplinary research that upholds the integrity and aspirations of both parties. In this article, the notion of interstitial space is suggested as a middle ground whereby researchers canacknowledge their own worldviews and come together for fruitful transdisciplinary engagements.Seven community-up research values set an engagement context in which researchers are called upon to respect one another, share and listen, be cautious and humble, acknowledge ontological and epistemological differences and build commitment to the development of mutual understandings. A scale is proposed to encourage researcher self-reflection on their readiness to join a multicultural, transdisciplinary research group. The readiness of group members to appropriately engage has the potential to spark successful transdisciplinary research in order to provide strategic solutions to complex, real-life problems.

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