Learning From Christchurch

Photo credit: Christchurch City Libraries
In the aftermath of the devastating 2010 and 2011 earthquakes in Christchurch, this 2013 collection was collated by Community Research, Healthy Christchurch, He Oranga Pounamu, and the Christchurch Council of Social Services to document the extraordinary experiences and resilience of communities in Canterbury.
At every step along the way, people in communities and tangata whenua, community and voluntary organisations have been documenting and reflecting on their experiences. The resulting research includes everything from narratives capturing the personal aftermath, through to scholarly analysis.
This collection will be valuable to national organisations as they continue to deliver services and support staff, and also be of use as people consider their own natural disaster preparedness.
The collection focusses on research undertaken by, for and with communities, in ways that are consistent with Community Research’s Code of Practice.
Topics can include anything that touches on the response of communities and community organisations.
Outside scope are items that are unduly:
- Technical or focus primarily physical aspects of the natural disaster
- Partisan, party political.
The contents of the “Learning from Christchurch” special collection is anything that people believe relevant to communities and the organisations that support them.
Children and Youth
- Rebuilding Christchurch after the Earthquakes Young People’s Perspectives, 24-7 YouthWorks, 2011
Community Resilience
- Community Gardens: Growing Plants or People?
- Community-Oriented Health Services
- Organisational Resilience to Natural Disasters: New Zealand’s Experience further research located here
- Christchurch resilience reading resources, Facebook page maintained by Dr Bronwyn Hayward, University of Canterbury
- Community Resilience: case studies from the Canterbury earthquakes (PDF 1.33MB), Tephra, The Ministry of Civil Defence, Vol 23: November 2012
- Identifying the non-structural impacts of the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence on the Hurunui District, Hurunui District Council, May 2013 (Uploaded to Community Research)
- Ongoing resilience from the ground up: A relational place based approach to grassroots community resilience, by Raven Cretney. Unpublished Masters Thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, 2013. Summary version available too. (Uploaded to Community Research)
- Rethinking Resilience: Reflections on the Christchurch earthquake and aftershocks (PDF 401KB), Dr Bronwyn Hayward, presentation to ECO conference, July 2011
- Monitoring population change in Greater Christchurch post EQ – resources page, James Newell, MERA Ltd
- Disability performance art in the streets: Art Actions in Post-Quake Christchurch
- What about Us? Reported Experiences of Disabled People Related to the Christchurch Earthquakes
- Breaking News: Sign Language interpreters in television during natural disasters (full text behind paywall, but if you are interested in this specialist topic it may be worth the cost.)
- Disability-inclusive emergency preparedness and response symposium, 28-29 May 2012, includes Summary of 12 disabled people’s experiences of the earthquakes
- Issues experienced by disabled people following the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquake series: evidence based analysis to inform future planning and best practice guidelines for better emergency preparedness (PDF 1.1MB), by Phibbs, S R; Woodbury; E, Williamson, K J; &, Good, G A. GNS Science Report 2012/40, November 2012
Elderly and Retirement
- Earthquake preparedness in an ageing society – Learning from the experience of the Canterbury earthquakes (PDF 392KB) by Judith A. Davey and Jenny Neale, Victoria University of Wellington, February 2013
Emergency Services & Disaster Relief
- The role of communities in post-disaster recovery planning: A Diamond Harbour case study
- Supporting the supporters in Disaster Recovery (there is also a website of additional material on this study located here).
- Developing local partners in emergency planning and management: Lyttelton Time Bank as a Builder and Mobiliser of Resources during the Canterbury Earthquakes, Lucie K. Ozanne, University of Canterbury, 2013
- Grassroots Community Preparedness Plans Resource, Raven Cretney, 2013. (Uploaded to Community Research)
- Leadership, wisdom and the post- disaster recovery process A report submitted to the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust and New Zealand Red Cross, by Elizabeth McNaughton, 2013, also see Recovery Matters blog
- A Community-led, Science-informed Conversation around the Future Use of the Avon River Residential Red Zone. Vallance, S. and Tait, P, 2013. DEM, Lincoln University, PO Box 85084 available on (Uploaded to Community Research)
Grants, Funding, Contracts & Fundraising
- Todd Foundation Earthquake Recovery Fund Review (PDF xxx), 2013 includes guidelines for future disaster responses
Health/ Wellbeing
- Building community resilience: Learning from the Canterbury earthquakes study (PDF, 1.8MB) for Health Research Council and Canterbury Medical Research Foundation, by Louise Thornley, Jude Ball, Louise Signal, Keri Lawson-Te Aho, and Emma Rawson, Quigley and Watts, 2013 (Uploaded to Community Research)
- The CERA Wellbeing Survey 2012 Report (PDF 4.3MB), (October 2012), see also
- A Summary of the Greater Christchurch Wellbeing Communication Campaign Research Findings (PDF 881KB), Healthy Christchurch, Canterbury DHB and Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand, April 2013
- The relationships of geographical variations in health outcomes and earthquake impact, by Simon Kingham, University of Canterbury, 2012 (Uploaded to Community Research)
Housing & Homelessness
- Sense of placelessness on the Christchurch periphery post-earthquake
- Post-Disaster Mobilities: Exploring Household Relocation after the Canterbury Earthquakes, Dickinson, S, 2013. Unpublished Masters dissertation, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. (Uploaded to Community Research)
- TPA (CHCH) Rental Survey 2013: A Study of Increasing Rents and Housing Conditions in the Greater Christchurch Area, by Tennants Protection Association (Christchurch), 2013 (Uploaded to Community Research)
Immigrants, Refugees & Migrants
- Best Practice Guidelines for Engaging with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities in Times of Disaster: Findings of Action Research for Circulation to CALD communities, by Sarah Wylie (independent researcher), for Christchurch City Council, March 2012
- Lessons learned following the earthquakes of 22 February 2011, Christchurch Migrant Inter-Agency Group
- The Case Study by Ngāi Tahu on their work in the wake of the earthquakes, published in the 2012 Families Commission Report, “Partnerships with Māori“, describing Ngāi Tahu’s leadership role.
- Research on resilience and recovery of ‘Māori-focussed organisations’
- What about Us? Reported Experiences of Disabled People Related to the Christchurch Earthquakes
- Shakes, Rattles and Roll Outs: The Untold Story of Māori Engagement with Community Recovery, Social Resilience and Urban Sustainability in Christchurch, New Zealand
- Impacts on Māori of the Ōtautahi/Christchurch earthquakes, by Dr Simon Lambert, Ngati Ruapani, Tuhoe, Lincoln University working paper, updated 2013
- Indigenous resilience through urban disaster: The Māori response to the 2010 and 2011 Christchurch Otautahi earthquakes, by Lambert, S, Mark-Shadbolt, M, Ataria, J & Black, A, paper in Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga International Indigenous Research Development Conference Proceedings, 201
- Indigenous Communities, Disasters, and Disaster Research: Surviving Disaster Research On, With and By Māori Lambert, S., (2014). Paper presented to ANZTSR 2014 Conference, Christchurch.
News and Media Coverage
- Marae lead the way for Christchurch earthquake recovery, press release from Public Health Foundation, 17 September 2013
- The tribes that bind Christchurch, article by Olivia Carville and Anna Turner, The Press, 7 September 2013
- Research suggests better to deal with problems than avoid them, University Canterbury, 2 July 2013
- Research supports limiting food outlets in Christchurch rebuild, University Canterbury, 2 July 2013
- Research Finds Significant Problems Remain After Quakes, Edmund Rice Justice and Nga Maata Waka, 24 June 2013
- ‘Virtuous circle’ helps Christchurch communities recover from earthquakes, story by Health Research Council, 15 March 2013
- Wellbeing research paints a complex picture, press release from Healthy Christchurch, 15 April 2013
Non-profit Sector
- An Inventory of Community-led and Non-governmental Organisations and Initiatives in Post-earthquake Canterbury, Carlton, S. and Vallance, S. 2013. Lincoln University. (Uploaded to Community Research)
- Glimpses of a better world: The role of tangata whenua, community & voluntary sector in the Canterbury earthquake recovery, by Garth Nowland-Foreman for Council of Social Services in Christchurch (Uploaded to Community Research)
- Ministry of Social Development Summer Scholarship Report for Family and Community Services, Canterbury (PDF 3.29MB), nine papers prepared by senior University of Canterbury students on MSD summer scholarships, March 2013
- Supporting Community Resilience In Post-Quake Christchurch (PDF 225KB), by Sharon Torstonson, Council of Social Services in Christchurch, and Michelle Whitaker Healthy Christchurch, July 2011 (Uploaded to Community Research)
- ANZTSR 2014 Third Sector Organisations and Earthquake Recovery Planning in Christchurch, New Zealand Hutton, N.S., Tobin, G.A., & Whiteford, L.M., (2014). Paper presented to ANZTSR 2014 Conference.
Volunteering & Mahi Aroha
- Disaster Recovery and Volunteers: Literature Review of Best Practice – October 2012 (PDF 152KB), by LeeChin Heng, University of Canterbury, October 2012
- Volunteering Canterbury’s Survey of Member Organisations 2011, Volunteering Canterbury, 2011 (Uploaded to Community Research)
- Building back better: Utilising women’s labour in the Canterbury recovery (PDF 6.6MB), a research report by Research First for the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, August 2013. See also Building back better media release
- Women’s Voices: Recording women’s experiences of the Canterbury earthquakes, NCW Christchurch Branch
- Movers and Shakers : Women’s stories from the Christchurch earthquakes (final version) Gordon, L; Sutherland, J; DuPlessis, R and Gibson, H.
Featured research
Thanks to our partners
- Community Research collected these resources in conjunction with Healthy Christchurch, Council of Social Services