One of the highlights of the recent Te Anga Mua seminar was the presentations by whānau. Here is a quick selection of their feedback.

Kim Whaanga-Kipa & Kipa Whānau
A Whānau recovery story
Kim gave us a WEII fund korero about using the PATH planning process introduced to them by Kataraina Pipi. Graphics used in the PATH mean that whānau don’t have to be able to read or write to be involved in the planning.
The kaupapa of the whānau planning is whānau being able to dream. This was an opportunity to try something different.
Each of eight Whānau did their own PATH and then they did a collective one.
“A big part of it was giving ourselves permission to dream.”
Phil Skipper:
“Whānau Ora is about peace and harmony.”
“Whānau Ora doesn’t work for you, you work. It puts things into perspective for you.”
Manny Kipa highlighted the importance of being loved and cared for, and of being encouraged to be who you are.
Kim’s question for researchers: Are we building whānau capacity? See Kim and Manny’s Presentation on video

Tawnee Kahukore-Goomes
Whānau planning in the Chatham Islands
Tawnee talked about her life before her involvement in Whānau Ora – a life of “drugs, chaos and lies”.
At 13, as an out of control teenager, she was sent to live with her aunty in the Chatham Islands. For the first time in her life she found safety and security. Her journey to reconnect with her whānau began again with the birth of her baby who was sent home to the island to be cared for while she served the remainder of a prison sentence. “The system offered me nothing.” Whānau Ora and the facilitator have enabled her to plan and for the first time in a long time to dream. Most importantly it has strengthened the bonds between her and her children. She finished her kōrero by thanking those who had supported her on her journey. See Tawnee’s presentation on video.

Mō tātou, a, mō ko uri a muri ake nei – planning for the next generation
Starting small to plan for 25 years hence.
Her whānau is now growing up in different context re urban rather than rural.
At some point they posed the question of what they were going to do about this. They’ve used the PATH planning tool to think through their plans and aspirations.
One solution for them was the formation of a Whānau Trust and application to the Māori Land Court for an occupation order for their whānau land. They then went back to their whānau land and house and did it up. They realised they now have place to take placenta back to.
Planning has given the whānau the rare opportunity to all be in one room, at the one time. Technology is important for this – virtual hui. They’ve been planning for past 18 months now, and its about creating the best future for their mokopuna.