From MAI Journal 
Volume Two, Issue One: A New Zealand Journal of Indigenous Scholarship
Boulton, A., Tamehana, J., & Brannelly, T. (2013, March 28).
This paper traces the emergence of Māori health service provision and the whānau ora philosophy that became the cornerstone of Māori health policy in the early 2000s. It discusses the implications for Māori health and social service providers of the latest iteration of the whānau ora approach to social service delivery, as outlined in the Whānau Ora Taskforce Report of 2010.
It concludes: “The introduction of the whänau ora approach to social service delivery has the potential to radically transform the way health and social services are delivered to some of the most vulnerable whänau in New Zealand. However, to fully implement the approach in all communities is not without its challenges. In rising to the challenge, Mäori providers are uniquely placed to take advantage of the opportunities afforded by changes stemming from the public management reforms of the late 1990s, the consolidation of these changes in the last decade, and more recently, the growing awareness of and respect for Mäori worldviews and the contribution these make to health and social service provision (Brannelly et. al., in press).”
Find the paper on Whānau centred health and social service delivery.