Our History

Community Research was born in 2008. Our mahi emerged following a series of hui throughout Aotearoa where groups from the tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector identified a great need: It was decided it was time to create an organisation that could store, share, access and promote research that was made by communities and for communities. 

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

We are a te Tiriti led organisation. Our Kaitiaki (Governance) structure and practice models Te Tiriti o Waitangi: We have a tangata whenua caucus and tangata Tiriti caucus. At our kaitiaki hui, each caucus meets separately to discuss issues and opportunities, then join to work together. 


Ko te hōkai nuku
Ko te hōkai rangi
Ko te hōkai a tō tupuna a Tānenuiarangi

This whakataukī was gifted to Community Research by Leon Hawea at the time of our creation. It tells how Tāne asended to Te Toi-o-ngā-rangi, the highest heaven, to obtain ngā kete o wānanga – the three kete (baskets) of matauranga (knowledge) – for all to share.  Read more here.

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