Past Webinar

Great data collection

RBA Webinar no. 3: Making sense of your data

Sharon Shea,

Sharon Shea delves more deeply into data collection and provides baseline tools to help you to use your data for planning.

She is joined by Naomi Reid and Paulette Lewis from Te Rarawa Runanga who share real-life stories about using RBA for making change in their community.


About the Presenter

Sharon Shea

Sharon Shea (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Hine, Ngāti Haua, Ngāti Hako) is widely recognised as a leader in the field of health sector strategy, outcomes framework development –applying Friedman's Results Based Accountability™ Framework2- project management, change management and systems design.

Sharon helps organisations to improve organisational performance, she provides governance training, and is particularly interested in Māori Development and in reducing health, social, education and economic inequalities across all populations.

This Webinar was held

11 AM NZ Time
15 Aug


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