Past Webinar

Ethnic, Former refugee, and Migrant Researchers

online Tautoko session

Bev Tso Hong,

We invite you to join our ethnic, former refugee, and migrant researchers online Tautoko session on Thursday 14 November 11am-12noon.

Our 14 November gathering will be a “top of mind” informal session about research gaps and ideas, and potential opportunities for new research. We will also spend time to jointly evolve these sessions as a safe community researcher space which is of value to you. Our focus at the November session is refining guidelines for how we connect, network and operate together as a community. Come along and connect with other researchers, former refugees, and migrant peers who are passionate about research by and for ethnic communities and how it can be used to support collective action and positive change.

Ethnic, former refugee, and migrant researcher Tautoko sessions provide a dynamic informal space that fosters a collective sense of shared purpose with opportunities to learn from each other, share stories, experiences, research activities, methodologies, challenges, gaps and explore ideas and opportunities.

We celebrate all forms of community-led knowledge-making, whether it’s community-based mahi and mātauranga, or based within organisations, the public service, or academia. If you are developing ‘by community for community’ learnings, we value your thoughts and contributions and want you to be part of our research network.

After piloting these sessions last year – we were really pleased to hear that Tautoko sessions are valued by attendees. We will continue to have a dedicated space for on-going ethnic, former refugee, and migrant researcher Tautoko sessions. Thank you to those of you who attended Tautoko sessions last year and provided feedback on how Community Research might best support you and the research community. What we heard from that session has been useful for thinking about future Tautoko sessions and ethnic research related activities.

These sessions are:
· an informal unrecorded safe spaces for connection, sharing and kōrero
· a space where we recognise our diverse lived experiences, privilege the voices of those who are heard less often (including former refugee and ethnic migrant voices), and acknowledge the distinction and context differences between forced and voluntary migration

· that what we do is guided by and contributed to by Tautoko session participants
· prioritise informal kōrero and connection for some sessions and more formal specific topic focused kōrero at others.

Bev Tso Hong | Kaitūhono, Ethnic Research Engagement Lead, Community Research

About the Host

Bev Tso Hong

Bev is a social policy researcher whose work has spanned a wide range of social sector portfolios. She is the Kaitūhono, Ethnic Research Engagement Lead at Community Research, actively involved in Chinese community initiatives in Aotearoa, and a Principal researcher at Kōtātā Insight Limited. Bev has a strong focus on approaches that strengthen and affirm positive societal values and wellbeing including a focus on the role of arts and culture in society, sense of belonging, and bridging across diverse perspectives. In 2020, she co-led an anti-racism/pro-diversity art-based community initiative which spotlighted the diversity of Chinese communities in Aotearoa ( Last year, she helped design and organise the Ethnic Research Aotearoa Hui 2023 as a member of the organising committee. 

This Webinar was held

11:00 am
14 Nov
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