Toolkit: Consumer experience
National Quality and Risk Managers Group (2012). Wellington: Health Quality & Safety Commission.
This toolkit was designed to be used with the guide for developing a consumer experience framework, which provides information on selecting the most appropriate methods for capturing the consumer experience of health and disability services.
“This Toolkit describes 11 methods for capturing consumer experience. It was designed to be used with the Guide for Developing a Consumer Experience Framework, which provides information on selecting the most appropriate methods. The Toolkit is not a comprehensive list but provides a selection of methods commonly-used for collecting information from individuals and groups.”
They provide the following information about each method: Purpose, What is it & How Can it Help? Practical Suggestions, Things to Consider, More Information & Resources.
The methods are:
- Online discussion forum
- Focus group
- In-depth interview
- Patient diary
- Patient journey – process mapping
- Patient stories
- Patient shadowing/tracking
- Suggestion box
- Survey/questionnaire
- Texting
- Social media
To access the toolkit, click here