Te Anga Mua – the Whānau Ora Research Seminar
Friday 23rd November 2012
Book now to hear this great programme of speakers:
Minister for Whānau Ora, Hon. Tariana Turia
Launch of Whānau Ora Research Website
Professor Sir Mason Durie
Keynote Address
Kataraina Pipi – MC
Kim Whaanga Kipa and Kipa Whānau, Palmerston North
A Whānau Recovery Story
Moana-o-Hinerangi, Christchurch
Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri a muri ake nei – Planning For The Next Generation
Trish Young and Tracey Wright-Tāwha, Invercargill
Te Poha Oranga – A Kaupapa Māori Service Model
Hera Edwards, Whaiora Trust, Masterton
A Whānau Ora Assessment Tool
Dr Kathie Irwin, Families Commission
Whānau Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Chatham Islands Whānau
Tawnee Kahukore-Goomes
The Pasifika Way – to good community and whanau-based research
More speakers to be confirmed soon! Tickets selling fast!
Te Anga Mua – the Whānau Ora Research Seminar will explore stories about Whānau Ora, stories about whānau who are striving for wellbeing, and some of the research approaches that support this wellbeing.
The Whānau Ora research website, will be the home of Whānau Ora research, toolkits, resources and researchers as well as whānau success stories, and will be launched and demonstrated at the seminar.
An event not to be missed by whānau, hapū, iwi, Whānau Ora providers, family community providers and community-led agencies involved in research.
For more information on the event CLICK HERE
To reserve your seat now CLICK HERE
Te Anga Mua, and the Whanau Ora Research website, are a partnership between Te Puni Kokiri and the Tangata Whenua caucus of Community Research.
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For further enquiries please email Ariana Stockdale-Frost