For the Ministry of Health
Te Ao Auahatanga Hauora Māori: the Māori Health Innovation Fund 2009 – 2013 (Māori Health Innovation Fund) goal is to advance whānau ora by affirming Māori approaches that improve Māori health outcomes.
In 2009 the Ministry of Health (“the Ministry”) contracted 32 health providers to pilot an innovative service they designed.
The contracts end 30 June of this year. The Ministry is tendering for a Consultant to undertake a desktop review of the 32 innovations and how, as a programme, the Māori Health Innovation Fund has advanced whānau ora.
Tenders close Tuesday, 16th of April 2013 at 5:00 pm
GETS Reference: 38722
For more information go to www.getz.govt.nz
Rachael Hawea-Kete
Programme Administrator
Phone:04 496 2073
Email: rachael_hawea-kete@moh.govt.nz